Key cutting in Little Rock

Get key cutting

We’ve all experienced that sick feeling – the door shuts behind you and you realize you’re locked out. Luckily, you can avoid that feeling from this point on. Just invest in some spare keys! That’s where Kaufman by Design West can help with our specialty key cutting services. And there are other benefits to keeping a set of well-made spare keys on hand.

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(501) 673-3978


14900 Cantrell Rd
Little Rock, AR 72223


Monday-Friday: 7:30am-5:30pm (Hardware)
Monday-Friday: 8:30am-5:30pm (Flooring/Lighting)
Saturday: 8am-1pm

What Is key cutting?

Key duplications is the process of making a key based on the cut of an existing key. Key cutting is the most popularly used method for key duplication. When you request a key cutting, a blank key is fitted into a vise – usually in a machine – over your original key. The original key moves along a guide to keep it from being damaged and the blank moves against a wheel that cuts it.

After the key cutting is complete, the new copy of your key is “deburred.” Deburring involves scrubbing with a metal brush to remove burrs (little pieces of metal that stick out). Burrs have to be removed because they are very sharp and could injure you or cause damage to your lock.

There are several different types of key cutting machines, but all of them are more or less automated and based on the early 20th-century design of key duplicators. They use different milling and grinding techniques and equipment, but they all accomplish the same basic functions.

Can I copy any key?

For security purposes, some keys are made to be more difficult to copy. Restricted keys, keys marked Do Not Copy, and chipped car keys all offer some measure of security against too many copies being made.

“Do Not Duplicate” Keys

You’ve likely seen certain keys that have “Do Not Duplicate” stamped on them. This can be a good deterrent if your key is stolen – it is meant to prevent other locksmiths from copying the key. Unfortunately, in the US, this disclaimer has no real legal weight, and most machines and locksmiths can duplicate the key unless it was specially made.

A really good locksmith should ask for proper documentation before duplicating a “Do Not Duplicate” key. You may have to provide confirmation of the address, permission from the property owner if you are not the property owner, and the original locksmith’s information in case the key was specially made.

While they offer some protection, “Do Not Duplicate” keys are the lowest level of security you can obtain through your spare keys.

Restricted Keys

Restricted keys are keys that have been designed with a unique patent. This patent prevents them from being duplicated at a hardware store or pop-a-lock operation. The machinery that creates these keys is only allowed to be purchased by certified locksmiths who have passed special security checks and patent training. This makes it much less likely that your key would be able to be duplicated if it were stolen.

If you’re worried about safety and security when you’re having spare keys cut, a restricted key may be the best option.

Chipped or Lasercut Keys

If you’ve ever tried to have a copy of your car key made, you know that the average locksmith is incapable of doing it. In fact, you usually have to go through the dealership to have chipped car keys made. This is because there are actual chips and electronic pieces embedded in the key that communicate with the car’s ignition when you’re trying to start the car. If that chip is missing, the car will not start.

Spare keys save you money

If you’ve never experienced a lockout – congratulations! Now is the time to preserve yourself against that hideous frustration with Kaufman’s key cutting services. Whether you’re locked out of your house, your home office, your workshop, or your filing cabinets, you’re losing time, and time is money. More tangibly, you won’t have to pay to have the house locks popped open, replaced, or rekeyed to get you back inside.

Spare keys save you time

Don’t wait for a locksmith to come and get you in! Just call the holder of your spare key or retrieve it from it’s (very secret and secure) hiding space. Emergency locksmiths can take up to an hour to get you back into your house and if you have specialty or restricted keys, it can take up to a few days for the proper locksmith to make and send you new keys. Better to order spare keys before the problems start – a stitch in time saves nine!

For all your home and interior needs, we have you covered

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